Beauty has two kinds where one is very popular that is outer beauty that people like to see in others; while the other is inner beauty that is the real beauty in a human. Talking about woman beauty, inner and outer beauty of a woman is judged in the same amount but mostly people look outer beauty of a woman if she is beautiful, sexy and pretty then people praise for her. The ability to judge and look at the inner beauty has gone and we people in today’s time never looks at the inside beauty of woman. It’s because the time has changed and priorities have changed too. We go for the things that attract us from the sight. But genuinely this is not the criteria to judge woman but unfortunately this criteria has set up in our society and we all look at the outer beauty of woman.

True beauty is ageless and there is no doubt over it. Definitely, a woman has to grow older some day and everyone has to go through this stage. No one can stop aging and it is a natural fact. Today things have completely changed in our society and selfishness has got more speed that no realizes the inner character of a lady or human. We know that true beauty ageless and its importance should be realized for understanding the nature of beauty. If we think deeply, then we shall come to know that it’s not our fault and we people are groomed up like this, very few of us will judge the inner quality or beauty. This is really disappointing the nature of woman true beauty. One thing should be quite clear that outer beauty has some age and it gets old day by day but inner beauty has no age and it remains live forever.

What is inner beauty and true beauty? True beauty is the qualities, character, nature and softness of mind & heart that a woman always have in them. Mostly woman are god gifted by this quality and they are naturally beautiful from inner side. This is all about true beauty that can’t be changed. It will always exist in the world, hence no one can deny from this reality. Rest is the outer beauty that remains attractive to all the eyes so one should not change it as well. What you are created by God will never be changed and changing the law of nature can be dangerous for you.

Dressing is an art that can grace the ladies on different occasions. It depends on the choice of ladies that how they dress up and how they choose their garments for special events. A lady looks stunning if she wears dress that covers her body and surely it makes her princess. Light makeup can add more beauty to the women and it should be the way to get ready for events. Despite dresses and make ups, the walking and behaving is also noted factor. Behavior makes women beautiful from inside and that really comes in true beauty or inner beauty.

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