
Top Massey Physio Asks Questions That Surprise You

Massey physio

There are various numbers of questions that might be asked by Massey physio and you might be surprised because you did not expect a range of questions from the physio. You need to know that before the start of any treatment there are various things that a professional physio required to know from you and this could only happen by asking you questions. The questions which are asked by physio is related to your physical and mental condition. These questions will help physio to know whether there is something serious happens to you.

There are many professionals physiotherapists that are available for you and will help you with the help of therapies and physioAlbany is one of them. The most important factor or question that they ask from you is about your pain because pain is the main phenomenon which provides valuable clues to physiotherapists to start its treatment. The first question might be related to pain or the location of the pain. There are more chances that pain is located very close to the reason or part which is actually responsible for pain. This is one of the common ways to find out pain or a particular problem for you.

Once the physio Albany knows about the main reason of pain then it has become easier for them to initiate the treatment because when they level of the pain then they are able to start their treatment with therapies. They give numbers to the level of pain and supposed that 0 is given where there is no pain and 10 is given to a person where he is feeling worse pain. The number which was given to the level of pain will help them to decide which kind of treatment they should initiate for reducing the level of pain, also it highlights the actual chronic problem of the patient.

Another question that physio Albany may ask from you is the nature of pain because the pain which is caused by an injury or accident is stronger than a pain which is caused by sudden movements. The pain of the patient that causes due to the movement of soft tissue is deep in its nature while on the other hand the pain which is caused due to nerves is very sharp and give an abnormal feeling to the patient. So these questions will help the physio to decide which therapies are required to be implemented on the patient to give him/her relief from pain.


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