Health Care

How Physio In Takapuna Can Help You Heal From Your Injuries

physio in Takapuna

Physiotherapy can help you heal your injuries by reducing pain, improving your range of motion, and increasing your strength and flexibility. Physiotherapy can also help improve your overall health and well-being. If you are looking for ways to improve your health, here are five ways how physio in Takapuna can help you heal from your injuries.

  • Physiotherapy Can Help Reduce Pain:

It is true that physical activity can cause pain in some cases, but physiotherapy can also help reduce pain in other situations. Physiotherapy treatment includes soft tissue massage that helps to increase blood circulation to the area with the injury so it can recover faster.

You may also be given exercises to help with this process by improving the range of motion around your injured area or strengthening muscles around it, so they do not hurt as much when you move them.

  • Physiotherapy Can Prevent the Need for Surgery:

Injuries such as shoulder dislocations, knee ligament sprains, and ankle sprains often require surgery in order to heal correctly. However, physiotherapy can help improve mobility and strengthen muscles around the joint so that surgery becomes unnecessary.

Physiotherapy also helps with scar tissue formation after surgery which can lead to stiffness in joints.

physio in Takapuna

  • Physiotherapy Can Increase Mobility and The Range of Motion:

Muscles are made up of fibres that contract when they receive a signal from your brain telling them to do so. If these fibres are not strong enough or flexible enough, then it may be difficult for them to contract properly or fully, which may result in decreased mobility or range of motion (ROM).:

  • Physiotherapy Can Strengthen Muscles and Improve Flexibility:

If you have an injury or chronic condition like arthritis, physiotherapy is the treatment that can help strengthen muscles and improve flexibility.

Many people who undergo physiotherapy treatments notice an improvement in their range of motion after a few sessions. This is because a sports physiotherapist uses different types of equipment to help patients restore their mobility and strength.

  • Physiotherapy Can Improve Overall Health and Fitness:

In addition to helping with injury recovery, physiotherapy treatments can also be used as a preventative measure for maintaining good physical health.

If you have been suffering from back pain for years or are starting to show signs of osteoporosis, then it may be time for you to consider taking up some form of physical activity, such as yoga or swimming, which will allow your body to move freely without causing further damage while strengthening your muscles over time.


There are many benefits of physiotherapy in addition to healing injuries. Make sure you are taking advantage of them by seeing a physio in Takapuna today.

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