
Learn about Birmingham Ear, Nose & Throat

ENT Specialist Birmingham

ENT Specialist Birmingham spends significant time in the indicative, therapeutic and careful consideration of head and neck illnesses in babies and kids. The entirety of our individuals are board-affirmed by the American Board of Otolaryngology with current Alabama therapeutic licenses, effectively distribute in peer-survey restorative diaries, and take part as educators, moderators, and teachers both provincially and broadly.

Our ENT authority center around the accompanying territories:


Ear Infections and Ear Tubes: When kids experience the ill effects of interminable ear diseases, a sheltered and regular arrangement is the situation of myringotomy tubes.

  • Cochlear Implants in Children: A possibility for kids, with significant or serious sensor neural hearing misfortune, who don’t profit by outside listening devices.
  • Innate Ear Anomalies: If a youngster is brought into the world with an ear peculiarity, it is essential to have their hearing checked as quickly as time permits.
  • Hearing Loss: Can be intrinsic or an aftereffect of outside variables after birth. There are an assortment of arrangements accessible for helping kids hear better, from portable amplifiers to cochlear inserts to communication via gestures.
  • Numerous kids experience issues with their ears, going from contaminations to hearing misfortune to deformations. Pursue increasingly about this in our ear conditions page.


Veered off Septum: Occurs when the nasal divider isolating the nostrils is twisted here and there, hindering the progression of air through the nose.

Epistaxis: Otherwise known as nosebleed, it is a rare occurrence a reason to get excited and can happen following various causes, including excessively dry air, injury to the nose, brutal nose-blowing, or picking the nose.

Sinusitis: Commonly known as a sinus contamination, it is an effectively treatable condition in kids.

From nosebleeds to sinusitis to rest apnea, there are numerous nasal conditions kids may suffer sooner or later in their lives. Pursue increasingly about this in our nose conditions page.


Pharyngitis: Commonly known as an irritated throat, it is one of the most well-known burdens in youngsters and is the main explanation behind visits to the pediatrician in little youngsters.

Aviation route Obstruction: The most widely recognized reason is the inward breath of a remote article, for example, a toy or a bit too huge nourishment. For this situation, crisis care ought to be looked for. Different reasons for block to the aviation route can incorporate disease, epiglottitis, hypersensitive response, laryngomalacia or tracheomalacia, among others.

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