Health Care

Everything you should know About Immunization Vaccine & how does it Work?


Immunization is among the best ways which can protect you and your children and the future generations from getting affected by some infectious diseases. This means that if you are vaccinated, you can help eliminate diseases that may be spreading now and in the future.

Thus, by getting yourself vaccinated, you are not just protecting your kids and family but even the people who are around you. In short, the whole society!

The more people are vaccinated, the less people are infected and the less the disease can be.

Vaccination can save lives. As late in the era of 1950s, thousands of children died every year just because they were suffering from harmful ailment of tetanus, diphtheria and serious whooping cough.

How does vaccination work?

All vaccinations work the same. Vaccination makes the use of body’s immune system for increasing the protection against certain infection before it gets worst. In other words, it’s like being infected with a disease without actually suffering from any symptoms.

If you come in contact with the infection after the vaccination, your body will behave to prevent you from getting sick or you may get a mild case.

Unlike rest of the proposed vaccination methods, the use of vaccines is yet rigorously tested for demonstrating the safety and great efficacy in protecting the people from certain infectious diseases.

What about the people who are not vaccinated?

Some people in our society are not in favor of getting vaccinated. This is probably because they are young or even because they are ill.

If enough people are vaccinated in the community, the spread of the disease will slow down or stop completely – this is because the disease is not easily transmitted from person to person.


As long as people are adequately into vaccination, the disease does not spread. This is known as herd immunity or the community immunity. It hence protects the friends, family and others, especially to the one who is not vaccinated.


All vaccines which are used in Australia should be approved for the usage by Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). This department oversees the drug safety within Australia. Before a vaccine can be licensed, it has been rigorously tested for many years to make sure it is safe and functional.

If you are so much concerned about the vaccine safety, make sure you do consult your doctor or immunization provider

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