
Getting Help When Needing To Pay For Pensioner Hearing Aids

Many older people suffer from some form of hearing loss, usually related to hearing sounds when there is other noise within the room. For example, pensioners might struggle to hear conversations if they are in a room with the TV on, or they might wake other people up in the house by turning on the radio as loud as possible when they wake up, in order to hear it while they are getting dressed.

Although hearing problems are extremely common, many people put off getting their hearing tested, partly because they know that they will have to use hearing aids, and because they are concerned about the cost of paying for pensioner hearing aids. However, in some cases, it is possible to get hearing tests and hearing aids either free or with a subsidy from the government.

Being Eligible For Free Tests and Hearing Aids

The Australian government runs a system known as the Hearing Services Program, which is designed to allow pensioners to receive free hearing tests and get hearing aids for free or with a subsidy if they are eligible. In order to receive this service, you must fit one of the criteria. If you are a pensioner, holding a pensioner concession card, or are a veteran or member of the ADF, are in receipt of sickness allowance, or hold gold or white repatriation cards, the latter with reference to hearing loss, then you will be eligible to receive free tests and subsidised or free hearing aids. In order to receive this free service it is necessary to fill in a form, and take it to a suitable Hearing centre.

Free or Subsidised Hearing Aids

If you are eligible, and have been able to bring a form which provides that evidence, then you should be able to receive either a free hearing aid, or subsidised pensioner hearing aids that are available at a reduced cost. When choosing a hearing aid that is suitable for your type of hearing loss, you will need to look at your lifestyle, and your physical activity, and the specific situation where hearing loss is most prominent. The hearing centre clinicians can offer you advice about the hearing aid, and can recommend hearing aids that are either free under the government scheme, or are available to be purchased using a government subsidy, and are suitable for your hearing loss.

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