
Basic eye examination

An eye examination is a process of tests performs by different type of professional specialist to examine vision related issue. These professional are known as orthoptist, optometrist, or ophthalmologist who are medical doctors. They assess vision abilities to focus or know distinguish between objects or other problem related to eyes. Eye care specialist suggest that every person should get their eyes examined regularly and should make it a part of their basic routine check ups. These problems do not show any symptom so there is no way to tell if your eyes are going toward any danger or not. It can only be found out through checkups.

It is possible that a specialist can suggest a treatment for blind eyes or for an eye which is going toward blindness, or detect a optical sign of systemic disease, or he can also find if there is any signs of tumor and other irregular disease of brain.  

Visual acuteness is the skill of eye to detect each and every small detail of object, and ability to take quantitative measures of the distance of the image. The meaning of standard eye sight is the skill of to resolve the spatial pattern divided by a visual angle of one minute of arc. The term 20/20 and 6/6 is derived from seeing an object from a specific distance.  If a person can see an object from the distance of 20 ft then he has 20/20 eye sight. The terminology of 6/6 is more being used in Europe and Australia and shows the distance in meters.

In physics refraction is been explained as a mechanism that curve the through the eye. In case the light fails to go to the sharp focus on the retina because of the shape of the eye, this can cause blurred or unclear sight and this error is known as refractive error. Hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism are the examples of this error. This error can be resolved by using glasses, and contact lenses according to the requirement and a profession will be able to measure the requirement. Refractive surgery is an updated treatment for this problem.

Objective refraction is what professionals do without getting permission from the patient. Professionals use auto-refractor or retineoscope process for this measurement. Doctor will study the light retinal reflection by a series of lenses flashing in front of the eye. The result will found out through the movement of the retinal reflection.

Auto-refractor is computerized equipment which shines the beam of light on the eye, the light goes to the back of the eye than come in front and it gives a objective measurement.   

The subjective refraction can be done with the cooperation of the patient. Patient will look at a chart wearing some trial glasses or while sitting behind the phoropter. The result will be the number of lenses which will suit the person and to get that the optician will have to use glasses of different numbers.

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