
Proper Oral Hygiene for Children

Children dental health

Children’s dental care can start before birth. You may not know it but your child’s teeth can enter the first stage of development in the fetus, mostly between months three and six of pregnancy and as soon as six weeks. That’s when the primary substance is formed. An expectant mom ought to practice a healthy eating regime early on. Good nutrition is essential during pregnancy for good dental care and oral health in the child’s teeth development. For Children dental health, experts recommend the right amounts of vitamin C, calcium; phosphorus, and vitamin D are required to be included in the diet of the mother together with soy and dairy products, fortified cereals as well as leafy greens.

Expectant mothers ought to avoid certain medications like tetracycline as they can cause harm to the substance present in the embryo’s developing teeth, which might eventually affect their children dental health.

Child’s first visit to the Dentist

It’s essential to ensure that your child’s first visit to the dentist is an enjoyable experience. Of course, first impressions are very important and they can last for years or even a lifetime. The first visit of your child to the dentist ought to be between the ages of one and two.

The dentist will check for the primary signs of tooth decay and also suggest a fluoride treatment to assist in preventing decay. Also, you can discuss with the dentist, thumb sucking, for example, a habit most children develop. The dentist can advise you on some of the methods utilized to break the habit and assist in preventing the dangers to the developing teeth.  

Actively keep a track of a child’s dental health

It’s also very important for parents to keep an active track of the care of their children dental Pretoria health and oral health care, teach by example, by flossing and brushing themselves. Children that keep good dental health and oral habits through their teenagers are more likely to continue flossing and brushing into their adulthood.

Final Thought

You mustn’t wait for an emergency to take your child to their first dental visit. That would an unpleasant experience which would make them have a bad impression about dentists. It’s good for you to maintain a positive attitude and not show anxiety. You must be a role model for your child. Reassure the child that the dentists are friendly doctors who will assist them to take care of their teeth. You may even reward them after the visit to encourage them for the next children dental health care visit.   


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